Our Donors & Community Partners
Thank you to all individuals and organizations who supported The Arc of Katy with financial donations during the current and most recent fiscal years:
Starry Sky Benefactors
Keith and Sheryll Butler
Belva Cardiff
Cynthia Auffenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bonner
Ralph Craig
Eva and Ralph Diaz
Beth Donnelly
Cherie and Ian Duddridge
Eizner Family Foundation
Beth Flanagan
Glenn and Susan Gesoff
Steven Goodman
Ann and Mary Harris
Jilly and Steve Herrington
Bonnie Holland
Carolyn Kares
Amanda and Richard Koch
Margaret and Steve Laney
Michael and Therese Lattal
Judy Colabela and Walt Palen
Todd Pendergrass
George Phile
Mr. and Mrs. David Ritter
Rose Schwartzel
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sieck
Downy Vickery
Ann and Don Woods
Audrey Bivens
Ken Burton
Emily R. Cole
Alce J. Cortez
Julie Cortez
Fran Dahl
Mr. and Mrs. David Ecklund
Hanna Joyce
DeWayne Lanier
Dawn Mack
Elaine Robinson
Charlene Ford Sawyer
Allan and Janelle Schoeneberg
Fred and Patti Shafer
Kyle Shafer
Susan Thomas
Bob and Donna Bode
Nancy Boler
Chris Brown
Amy Campbell
Bruce Campbell
Don and Ida Faye Elder
Stephen Feng
Kathleen Killen
Randye McAnally
Dr. Leonard Merrell
Kristie Ondracek
Linda Schuiten
Brenda and Mark Shaver
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams
In-Kind Donations & Discounts
Thank you to community partners who donated goods or in-kind services and discounts to help defray costs of The Arc of Katy programs, services, and events.
Houston Methodist West Hospital & Its Employees
Kevin Johnson/Legislative Associated Partners
Officer Louis Santiago - Teddy Bear Cop
We also regularly receive in-kind donations and services from numerous Board members, volunteers, staff, and family members. Thank you for all you do -- seen and unseen -- behind the scenes for our participants and programs.
Every investment of time, talent, and treasure you provide helps us provide opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be included as respected and active members of our community throughout their lifetime!